By: rocketvan
In: common


more is less in tech world

Your app or SaaS platform may not need AI, Blockchain, AR/VR or any piece of the latest fancy tech.


Having too many features in a new app is not always the best strategy for several reasons. Let's see why:


Complexity: An app with too many features can become complex and difficult to navigate, leading to a poor user experience.


Development and Maintenance Costs: More features increase the time and resources required for development and ongoing maintenance.


User Overwhelm: Users can feel overwhelmed by too many options, which may lead to lower adoption and engagement rates.


Diluted Core Value: Essential functions can get lost among less important ones, diluting the app’s core value proposition.


Increased Bugs and Glitches: More features can introduce more bugs and glitches, compromising app stability.


Focusing on core functionalities that directly address user needs can create a more streamlined, effective app.


If you are still considering adding new features, make sure that you follow a strategy that involves a thoughtful and methodical approach.


Here are some of the best practices that we use at Rocketvan:


User Feedback: Collect and analyse user feedback to identify what features are most requested or could improve user satisfaction.


Prioritise: Rank potential features based on their expected impact, development cost, and alignment with the app’s core objectives.


Prototype and Test: Develop prototypes for the most promising features and conduct user testing to gather early feedback.


Iterative Development: Use an agile development approach to gradually implement and refine features based on continuous user feedback.


Monitor Performance: After launch, closely monitor how the new features affect app usage and performance to ensure they meet the intended goals.


Make sure that every new feature adds value to the users and supports the overall success of the app.


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